Windows Virtual Desktop Part 1 – The Essentials
This is Part 1 in a series of upcoming blogs on my experience from setting up Windows Virtual Desktop at in lab but also in production on some customers of Coligo. Part 1 will...
Probably the best modern workplace architect in the world!
This is Part 1 in a series of upcoming blogs on my experience from setting up Windows Virtual Desktop at in lab but also in production on some customers of Coligo. Part 1 will...
I am happy to be selected to deliver a Pre-day on Techdays 2019! Me and Andreas Stenhall will go through the completely new virtual desktop included in your Microsoft 365 licensing. Make sure you...
Microsoft has started an Insider program for their new browser Edge! Yes, same name as the old one but with a compete new engine based on chromium. The best browser for Microsoft 365! Like...
Detta är så coolt! Alla som har en Microsoft 365 F1, E3 eller E5 (även Windows E3 eller E5) licens får tillgång till en Windows Virtual Desktop. De bygger initialt stöd för Windows 7...