Deploy New Teams with Intune
I have done lots of deployment of Microsoft Teams classic to Intune clients over the years. And it has not been crystal clear on how to do it. There is a wide choice of...
Probably the best modern workplace architect in the world!
I have done lots of deployment of Microsoft Teams classic to Intune clients over the years. And it has not been crystal clear on how to do it. There is a wide choice of...
Another year has past and I´m now on my 25th year as an MCT. 27 years ago, I was lucky to be hired by a company that were Microsoft Partners allowed to deliver MOC...
In this blog post, I will show you how to use Intune Remediations to map printers and drives on Windows Entra Joined devices. Intune Remediations are script packages that can detect and fix common...
Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (Windows LAPS) is a new feature that was introduced in the April 11, 2023 update for Windows. It allows you to manage and rotate the password of a local...
Remote help is a cloud-based remote assistance solution that allows IT admins to view or control Windows devices of end users and troubleshoot technical issues. Remote help is integrated with Microsoft Endpoint Manager and...
Proactive Remediations has been around for some time in Intune. A bit hidden down in Reports and under Endpoint Analytics. A resent change in the management portal moved the Proactive Remediations to the Device...
This week we got a new nice feature in Intune. We can now publish Win32 apps to device groups. This sounds like old news, but we have not had this possibility before. We have...
Windows update asks you now and then to reboot after installing the latest updates. And then you are up to date? No, not really! There are more things than Windows in your computer that...
In my previous blog, I went through the simple steps to enable Azure AD Kerberos. This prepares for Azure AD Kerberos Cloud Trust. But when I logged in to a Windows 365 computer with...
When using AAD cloud only PC´s and need to connect to on-premise resources. Azure AD Kerberos is needed. And it´s so simpla to enable now adays. When Enabled you can get SSO to internal...