Windows 11 God Mode

I often used God Mode in Windows 7. It was an amazing way of collecting all settings in one place. Those were the days! But hey, you can still use it! Also Windows 11 has this hidden God Mode you can enable.
Create the God Mode folder
To enable the folder you need to be local Administrator.
Right-click on the Windows 11 desktop, and create a new folder, Click New > Folder.

Set the foldername to:

Now the folder will change icon to a controlpanel icon without a name

And inside the folder you have all the tools a God would need!

God Mode and settings
The downside of Windows 11 God Mode is the lack of all tools from the Settings panel. The tools are only collected from the old control panel. But if you are like me, an senior consultant. I just love some of those old tools.
There is for example View Network Connections, a simple and easy way of overview your network interfaces and change their settings. So I just drag and drop a shortcut just for that tool to my desktop. Simple as that!