SWVDUG – Virtual Meetup Nr 3 – January 20

Don´t miss our third user group meet in Swedish Windows Virtual Desktop User Group SWVDUG on January 20. Not a member? join us now on Meetup! Most of the content will be in Swedish. On this meet I will run a session “Från vpn till wvd. Ett riktigt lyft för produktiviteten (Kundcase)“. This is a success story from a real case during autumn. A session that will encourage you to think diffrent!
- The Case
- The Pre study
- The Brainstorming
- The Solutions
- The Result

The agenda for the complete user group meet:
19.00 – Välkomna och introduktion
19.05 – Container up your applications: fast, secure and efficient with MSIX App Attach – Patrick Köhler – English
20.50 – Paus
20.10 – Från vpn till wvd. Ett riktigt lyft för produktiviteten (Kundcase) – Torbjörn “T-bone” Granheden (Coligo) – Swedish
20.50 – Nätverkande och frågestund
ca 21.00 Slut
Will be run virtually in Teams and will be recorded.
Join and invite all your colleagues, friends and suppliers to the group on Meetup!.